Walk On: Water
Walk-On offers several different tours in the capital area where we are either walking close to the sea, a river, a waterfall or a lake.
Ástjörn & Ásfjall
Ástjörn is a pond in Hafnarfjörður and Ásfjall is the small mountain above it. A delightful 2 hrs walk around the water and to the top of the mountain with mindfulness and storytelling.
Water Tour Highlight
We offer several different tours in the capital area
We will walk close to the sea, a river, a waterfall or a lake.
Our focus is on mindfulness
Enjoy getting to know the area through stories.
Iceland waters
Being an island, Icelanders have a strong connection to water. Our ancestors sailed the seas and we lived off it´s gifts. The cold water we drink is filtered through lava and the hot water we bathe in comes straight from geothermal reserves underground.